Sunflowers by Julie Van Der Eynden



DIMENSIONS (Height - 50.00 cm X Width - 50.00 cm )
GENRE No Genre Entered
REGISTERED NRN # 000-43911-0136-01
COPYRIGHT © Julie Van Der Eynden


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Artist: Julie Van Der Eynden


Julie van der Eynden


Julie is a mixed media artist who resides in Kinglake. She is strongly connected with community and has been involved in the local arts scene in and around Kinglake for the past 10 years, initially participating in workshops and subsequently as President of Kinglake Ranges Arts. Julie also assists the Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House (KRNH) with the design and printing of their program and the coordination of their arts programs. KRNH received a small grant to make a pottery studio and Julie was instrumental in setting this up and running pottery classes. 

Julie’s passion for anything creative began in early school days with a ball of clay and this interest evolved to include porcelain and cloth-doll making, bears, and appliqué.  Julie began facilitating art/craft sessions 15 years ago with a sculpted bear making session at the Chirnside Park community centre.

Julie also holds a key role with the Kinglake Art Show and has entered as an artist and achieved modest success. She enjoys the connection with other artists.

Having learnt a variety of painting methods and techniques over the past decade, from foundation techniques through to abstract, Julie has recently begun teaching a mixed media class at KRNH and has plans to facilitate and/or deliver a diverse range of arts and crafts over the next few years to the community.

Julie actively continues the community conversation regarding an art space outlet in the hopes that the right building will be available at some point – producing and presenting a PowerPoint presentation for the Murrindindi Shire in pursuit of the RAC building.

Julie formed partnerships with RAV, KRNH and FRRR to employ an Arts Development Coordinator with whom she worked to complete a strategic plan for arts in Kinglake and identifying community needs for art.

Julie worked with St Peters Church Kinglake in their initiative to run a series of art therapy sessions to aid recovery and then designed and coordinated an art installation for the ten-year anniversary of the 2009 bushfires.

In 2019 KRA partnered with KRNH to obtain a grant from FRRR to hold the ‘Respect and Remember’ 2009 Bushfire anniversary exhibition and accompanying therapeutic art sessions. Julie was again instrumental in planning and facilitating a therapeutic arts program to run in conjunction with this event. Julie was also chosen as one of the four artists to run the exhibition.

Conversations between Julie and KRNH conceptualised the water tank mural project and this is now being developed by the Kinglake Ranges Arts group.   



The love of colour and texture are a driving force in my art. The need for my creations to be both visually appealing and yet tactile has led me on a path of investigation of multiple techniques and mediums. Ultimately a combination of all I have learnt thus far will dictate my future art.
Art is a journey and I am still evolving – who knows what will be created next.